Geography Stages 4, 5 and 6

A study of Geography builds on students' prior learning and experience to enable them to explain patterns, evaluate consequences and contribute to the management of physical, social, cultural and built environments. Geography does this by:
- focusing objectively on the physical components of environments – this enables students to view a community as part of the wider global environment
- providing a basis for recognising and responding to the constant changes taking place in environments at local, regional, national and global scales
- providing geographical methodologies that contribute to an understanding of the world
- examining the various perspectives of people in communities and the consequences of their actions on environments
- developing an appreciation of the intrinsic value of environments – this may enrich the lives of those who experience them
- empowering students with a knowledge of civics that enables them to exercise citizenship.
The study of Geography develops a wide range of skills such as gathering, organising and evaluating geographical information from a variety of sources, including fieldwork. Through the spatial dimension, geography enables students to identify and analyse the physical, social, economic, political, legal and technological factors that influence where things are and why they are there. The ecological dimension requires students to identify and analyse the ways humans interact with environments and in so doing develops students' skills in evaluating arguments and problem-solving. Culture is a key determinant of people's lives and worldview and through the study of Geography students develop knowledge and understanding of different cultures and develop perspectives that enhance their understanding of the world.
The study of Geography enables students to critically assess the ideas and opinions of others and to form and express their own ideas and arguments. In so doing it forms a basis for active participation in community life, ecological sustainability, creating a just society, promoting intercultural understanding and lifelong learning. Through the study of civics and citizenship students develop knowledge of the decision-making processes that exist at a variety of scales, which informs them of ways they can participate as responsible and informed members of society.
Program Aim:
The aim of the Geography Years 7–12 Syllabus is to stimulate students' enjoyment of and interest in the interaction of the physical and human environments. Students achieve this as they develop geographic knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes and engage in the community as informed and active citizens.
Knowledge and understanding
Through the study of Geography, students will develop knowledge and understanding about:
- the characteristics and spatial distribution of environments
- how people and communities modify, and are affected by, the environment
- how physical, social, cultural, economic and political factors shape communities, including the global community
- civics for informed and active citizenship

Through the study of Geography, students will develop skills in:
- acquiring, processing and communicating geographical information
- choosing and applying appropriate geographical tools
- using the information skills processes of:
- Defining
- Locating
- Selecting
- Organising
- Presenting
- Assessing and applying these processes to reading, writing and research tasks.
Values and attitudes:
Through the study of Geography, students will develop interest in, and informed and responsible attitudes towards, people, cultures, societies and environments, with a commitment to:
- Ecological sustainability
- A just society
- Informed and active citizenship
- Lifelong learning.
- Intercultural understanding