Pennant Hills High School is committed to preparing our students to become community and professional leaders in their chosen fields. The Student Leadership Council (SLC) is a student-led group that represents the student body of Pennant Hills High School. The purpose of the council is to provide:
● the student body with an authentic experience of democratic governance
● a platform for students to voice their recommendations and concerns
● development of leadership skills within elected students.
Elections for the SLC are held each year in Term 2. This whole school process provides the student body with an opportunity to vote for representatives from their year group. To join the SLC, interested students must first complete a nomination form and deliver a brief speech to demonstrate their public speaking skills in which they introduce themselves and their vision to the SLC (Years 7-10) or to the school community (Year 11). The academic and behavioural record of interested students is also considered.
Successful nominees are then added to the ballot. Student votes are collated and these are considered in conjunction with teacher votes. The nomination process for executive positions includes an additional interview with a panel. The results for the newly elected council are published during Spirit Week and the SLC Induction Ceremony is held at the beginning of Term 3. All students, whether formally elected or not, are welcome to participate in SLC weekly meetings.
Apart from the formal leadership roles described here, Pennant Hills High School provides many other daily opportunities for students to develop the confidence and skills necessary to be the young leaders of our future.
School Captain – ( 2 Captains + 2 Vice Captains elected from Year 12)
The School Captains are role models for Pennant Hills High School. They are known and respected by all members of the school community because of their outstanding history of performance and contribution, and are elected by their peers and teachers to serve on the Student Leadership Council. School Captains play an essential role in the organisation of and presentation at important school events.
They must:
● Actively promote our school values of Responsibility, Integrity and Achievement at all times.
● Demonstrate a caring, approachable and supportive manner.
● Take a leading role within the Student Leadership Council (SLC), including the organisation and conduct of SLC meetings and initiatives, mentoring other students and liaising with students in other leadership roles.
● Participate in regular planning meetings with SLC coordinators and school executives (Principal & Deputy Principals).
● Assist with the organisation and conduct of general and special assemblies.
● Represent the school and speak on behalf of students at school functions and external events, including P&C meetings when required.
● Report to the school community via regular contributions to the school newsletter Jumbunna, website and other social media platforms.
● Prior to being appointed, decide on a school initiative they would like to develop and implement during the term of their position.
Selection criteria:
- Demonstrated ongoing commitment to Pennant Hills High School.
- An excellent record of academic work, effort, and attitude.
- An excellent record of conduct, including exemplary wearing of the school uniform.
- Demonstrated ability of taking initiative and active participation in school leadership activities.
- Strong and confident communication skills.
- The ability to work cooperatively with others.
- A vision for the continued improvement of Pennant Hills High School.
Sport Captain – ( 2 Captains + 2 Vice Captains elected each year from Year 12)
The Sport Captains are role models for Pennant Hills High School. They are known and respected by all members of the school community because of their outstanding history of performance and contribution, and are elected by their peers and teachers to serve on the Student Leadership Council. Sport Captains play an essential role in the organisation of and presentation at important school sport events.
They must:
● Actively promote our school values of Responsibility, Integrity and Achievement at all times.
● Demonstrate a caring, approachable and supportive manner.
● Take a leading role within the Student Leadership Council (SLC), including the organisation and conduct of SLC meetings and initiatives, mentoring other students and liaising with students in other leadership roles.
● Participate in regular planning meetings with SLC coordinators and school executive (Principal & Deputy Principals).
● Assist with the organisation and conduct of general and special assemblies and activities, including whole-school sporting carnivals.
● Take an organisational role with other captains in improving student engagement at Pennant Hills High School, including ideas for the increase of Sport House oriented activities within the school.
● Represent the school and speak on behalf of students at school functions and external events.
● Report to the school community via regular contributions to the school newsletter Jumbunna, website and other social media platforms.
● Prior to being appointed, decide on a school initiative they would like to develop and implement during the term of their position.
Selection criteria:
- Demonstrated ongoing commitment to Pennant Hills High School.
- An excellent record of academic work, effort, and attitude.
- An excellent record of conduct, including exemplary wearing of the school uniform.
- Demonstrated ability of taking initiative and active participation in school leadership activities.
- Strong and confident communication skills.
- The ability to work cooperatively with others.
- A vision for the continued improvement of Pennant Hills High School.
Prefects are role models for Pennant Hills High School. They are known and respected by all members of the school community because of their outstanding history of performance and contribution, and are elected by their peers and teachers to serve on the Student Leadership Council. Prefects span a variety of areas e.g. band, choir and wellbeing, and play an essential role in the organisation of and presentation at important school events.
They must:
● Actively promote our school values of Responsibility, Integrity and Achievement at all times.
● Demonstrate a caring, approachable and supportive manner.
● Mentor other students and liaise with students in other leadership roles.
● Communicate regularly with SLC coordinators and/or other staff.
● Assist with the organisation and conduct of general and special assemblies and activities.
● Take an organisational role in improving student engagement at Pennant Hills High School in their elected area.
● Represent the school and speak on behalf of students at school functions and external events.
● Report to the school community via regular contributions to the school newsletter Jumbunna, website and other social media platforms.
Selection criteria:
- Demonstrated ongoing commitment to Pennant Hills High School.
- An excellent record of academic work, effort, and attitude.
- An excellent record of conduct, including exemplary wearing of the school uniform.
- Demonstrated ability of taking initiative and active participation in school activities.
- Strong and confident communication skills.
- The ability to work cooperatively with others.
- A vision for the continued improvement of Pennant Hills High School.
Chairperson – (Selected via interview each year from Year 11 Prefect body)
The Chairperson plays an integral role in the organisation and running of the Student Leadership Council. They are selected via an interview panel each year from the Year 11 Prefect body and are responsible for effectively chairing weekly meetings.
In addition to their duties as a Prefect, they must:
● Lead weekly meetings.
● Plan agendas with SLC coordinators and other student leaders.
● Communicate regularly with SLC coordinators and SLC executive.
● Be punctual and possess an exemplary attendance record.
● Demonstrate understanding of the SLC through prior experience in the SLC.
● Demonstrate experience in mentoring other SLC members.
Secretary – (Selected via interview each year from Year 11 Prefect body)
The Secretary plays an integral role in the organisation and running of the Student Leadership Council allowing the council to have a record of student decisions. They are selected via an interview panel each year from the Year 11 Prefect body and are responsible for keeping accurate records of business.
In addition to their duties as a Prefect, they must:
● Keep records of SLC meetings (meeting minutes and agendas).
● Plan agendas with SLC coordinators and other student leaders.
● Demonstrate efficiency in reporting to the school community regarding SLC news and events via regular contributions to the school newsletter Jumbunna, website and other social media platforms.
● Communicate regularly with SLC coordinators and SLC executive.
● Be punctual and possess an exemplary attendance record.
● Demonstrate understanding of the SLC through prior experience in the SLC.
● Demonstrate experience mentoring younger SLC members.
Treasurer – (Selected via interview each year from Year 11 Prefect body)
The Treasurer plays an integral role in the organisation and running of the Student Leadership Council managing financial aspects of the council in conjunction with SLC coordinators. They are selected via an interview panel each year from the Year 11 Prefect body and are responsible for reporting on expenditures and budgets, as well as leading fundraising campaigns.
They must:
● Keep records of the SLC finances.
● Plan agendas with SLC Coordinators and other student leaders.
● Demonstrate efficiency in updating financial records through regular liaising with School Administration Manager (SAM).
● Communicate regularly with SLC coordinators and SLC executive.
● Be punctual and possess an exemplary attendance record.
● Demonstrate understanding of the SLC through prior experience in the SLC.
● Demonstrate experience mentoring younger SLC members.
Student Leaders - (Elected each year from Years 7-10)
Student Leaders are role models for Pennant Hills High School and more specifically for their cohort of peers. They are known and respected by the school community and are elected by their peers and teachers to serve on the Student Leadership Council.
They must:
● Actively promote our school values of Responsibility, Integrity and Achievement at all times.
● Demonstrate a caring, approachable and supportive manner.
● Mentor other students and liaise with students in other leadership roles.
● Communicate regularly with SLC coordinators and/or other staff.
● Assist with the organisation and conduct of general and special assemblies and activities.
● Take an organisational role in improving student engagement at Pennant Hills High School in their cohort of peers.
● Represent the school and speak on behalf of students at school functions and external events.
● Report to the school community via regular contributions to the school newsletter Jumbunna, website and other social media platforms.
Selection criteria:
- Demonstrated ongoing commitment to Pennant Hills High School.
- An excellent record of academic work, effort, and attitude.
- An excellent record of conduct, including exemplary wearing of the school uniform.
- Demonstrated ability of taking initiative and active participation in school activities.
- Strong and confident communication skills.
- The ability to work cooperatively with others.
- A vision for the continued improvement of Pennant Hills High School.