Pennant Hills High School

Responsibility Integrity Achievement

Telephone02 9473 5000


Special Education Faculty

Our Special Education Faculty caters for students with mild or moderate intellectual disabilities. There is a strong culture of inclusivity of students with a disability within Pennant Hills High School.

Enrolment in these classes is consistent with Department of Education (DoE) processes and begins for Year 7 students when they are in Year 5. Should you wish to discuss enrolment procedures, please contact the Head Teacher of the Special Education Faculty Mr Jeffrey Minton who will be happy to provide any information you may require.

Our Special Education classes have fewer students than mainstream classes. Every specialist class has a teacher and a school learning support officer. Class teachers - in consultation with parents/caregivers and allied health professionals, where appropriate - are responsible for planning personalised learning and support for each student.

Students in our special education classes have the opportunity to participate in school and community activities offered at our school in exactly the same way that mainstream students have.

Applications for placement are through the Access Request process. An Access Request is arranged by the school learning and support team at the local public school.

A student is offered enrolment in a Special Education class in a mainstream school, through a placement panel process. A student's eligibility is determined through the DoE's disability criteria as well as the availability of a place in an appropriate Special Education class.